Principal investigator

Pankaj Kumar
Assistant Professor
Phone: (505) 277-5613
Office: Mechanical Engineering ME 423
Current Students
Graduate students

Surya T. Bijjala
Graduate student (PhD)
Surya recieved his undergrad degree in Mechanical engineering and masters degree in Materials Technology. Surya is pursuing his doctorate in the department of Mecahnical engineerig at UNM.
Research interests: High performance computing, Density functional theory, Machine learning, Analyical modeling, Additive manufacturing and material characterization.

Krishna Joshi
Graduate student (PhD)
Krishna recieved his undergrad degree in Mechanical engineering. Krishna is pursuing his doctorate in the department of Mecahnical engineerig at UNM.
Research interests: High entropy alloys, High temperature materials, Analytical methods, Additive manufacturing and material characterization.

Hanumesh Sai Pamisetty
Graduate student (MS)
Undergraduate students

Alexander Coker
Undergraduate student
Graduate students

Anthony McMaster
Graduate student (MS)
Anthony recieved his masters degree in Mechanical engineering from UNM.
Thesis: Active brazing of single crystal Al2O3 to Kovar alloy with Ag-Cu-Zr filler metal
Current Employer: Sandia National laboratory

Gregory Whiteside
Graduate student (MS, co-supervisor)
Gregory recieved his masters degree in Mechanical engineering from UNM.
Thesis: Screw Dislocations in a Holed Wedge
Current Employer: Comsol

Zachary Casias
Graduate student (MS)
Zachary recieved his masters degree in Mechanical engineering from UNM.
Thesis: Mechanical Characterization and Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Titanium-5V-5Mo-5Al-3Cr Alloy
Current Employer: Sandia National laboratory

Laith Alqawasmi
Graduate student (MS, co-supervisor)
Laith recieved his masters degree in Mechanical engineering from UNM.
Thesis: Mechanical characterization of additively manufactured alloys compared to their wrought counterparts
Current Employer: Intel

Joseph Erwin
Graduate student (MS)
Joesph recieved his masters degree in Mechanical engineering from UNM.
Thesis: Solderability of additively manufactured metals and the effects of surface modification
Current Employer: Sandia National Laboratory
Undergraduate students
Joseph Erwin
Ryan Patricelli
Tyler Mitchell
Scholars (High school teachers )
Florence Narzoles
Arturo Herrera
High School (K12) students
Jeffrey Yang
Venkata Menta
Aiden Huntsman